# Lock screen super + shift + x lock # Take a screenshot super + Print screenshot super + Shift + Print windowshot # Show Keybinding Help super + F1 bind-help # Cmus Bindings super + m urxvt -name "cmus" -e cmus; pkill -RTMIN+12 dwmblocks super + shift + m cmus-remote --raw q; pkill -RTMIN+12 dwmblocks super + {comma, greater, less} cmus-remote --{pause,next,prev}; pkill -RTMIN+12 dwmblocks super + {period, slash} $HOME/.local/bin/cmus/toggle-{mode,shuf} # Volume Control super + {bracketleft, bracketright} volctl 5 {-,+} super + shift + {braceleft, braceright} volctl 10 {-,+} super + equal amixer sset Master 50% unmute && signal-vol super + backslash amixer sset Master toggle && signal-vol # Program Bindings super + q urxvt -e htop super + w wireshark super + e urxvt -e firejail neomutt super + shift + e ~/.local/bin/getmail super + r urxvt -e firejail newsboat super + a urxvt -e calcurse -D ~/.config/calcurse super + s firejail steam super + shift + s kill-steam super + d dmenu_run super + f firejail firefox super + shift + f firefox super + z $HOME/.local/bin/getpass super + shift + z $HOME/.local/bin/getpass-otp super + x keepassxc super + c urxvt -e clibrary super + v virt-manager super + Return urxvt # Function Key Bindings # Most if not all bindings here should be redundant, as I do not want to have to # rely on these keys for primary and/or common bindings Pause cmus-remote --pause; pkill -RTMIN+12 dwmblocks XF86AudioStop cmus-remote --pause; pkill -RTMIN+12 dwmblocks XF86AudioPlay cmus-remote --pause; pkill -RTMIN+12 dwmblocks XF86AudioNext cmus-remote --seek +5 shift + XF86AudioPrev cmus-remote --seek -1m shift + XF86AudioNext cmus-remote --seek +1m XF86AudioLowerVolume volctl 1 - XF86AudioRaiseVolume volctl 1 +