pywttr-docker is a lightweight docker web application for getting weather information from any location in the world.
The application uses the FOSS Open-Meteo API to retrieve this information without any API key or paid subscriptions to services like OpenWeatherMap.
Clone the repository
git clone
Build the image
cd pywttr-docker
docker build -t pywttr:latest .
Run the container
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name pywttr pywttr:latest
Browse to the webpage at host:8000
where host
is the hostname of your docker server
and 8000
is the external published port you chose during the setup.
Enter either the name of a location or a postal code you want to see weather for.
If your entry is unambiguous (i.e. it's a unique name or a postal code) you will be taken directly to the weather information.
If a search for the location returns more than 1 result you will first be directed to select the location you want from a list of available choices.
Currently the application will return 3 sets of data: - Current weather data - Hourly weather data for the next 48 hours - Daily weather data for the next 7 days