#!/bin/sh # # configures a FreeIPA client system by: # enrolling in a FreeIPA domain (includes ldap,kerberos,ntp) # setting up FreeIPA server as an nss target # configuring as a kerberized NFSv4 client or server # configuring for FreeIPA-managed automount help() { echo "usage: ipaconf --dns-server dns_server --ipa-domain ipa.domain"\ "--ntp-server ntp_server [--nfs-server]" echo "\n-d, --dns-server:\tIP of DNS server containing IPA records" echo "-f, --nfs-server:\tConfigure client as an NFS server in the IPA domain" echo "-i, --ipa-domain:\tIPA domain base (e.g. example.com)" echo "-n, --ntp-server:\tIP or hostname of NTP server for the IPA domain" exit 1 } [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] && echo "error: must be run as root" && exit 1 opts=$(getopt -o "d:,f:,h,i:,n:" -l "dns-server:,nfs-server,help,ipa-domain:,ntp-server:" -- "$@") eval set -- "$opts" dnssrv= nfssrv=0 ipadomain= ntpsrv= while true do case "$1" in '-d' | '--dns-server') dnssrv="$2" shift 2; continue ;; '-f' | '--nfs-server') nfssrv=1 shift; continue ;; '-i' | '--ipa-domain') ipadomain="$2" shift 2; continue ;; '-n' | '--ntp-server') ntpsrv="$2" shift 2; continue ;; '-h' | '--help') help ;; '--') shift; break ;; esac done [ -z "$dnssrv" ] && help [ -z "$ipadomain" ] && help [ -z "$ntpsrv" ] && help # FreeIPA client currently only in backports for Debian 11 grep -q bullseye-backports /etc/apt/sources.list || echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list # Install required packages ping -q -c 1 2>/dev/null && apt update apt install freeipa-client nfs-common autofs autofs-ldap -y [ $nfssrv -eq 1 ] && apt install nfs-kernel-server -y # Change DNS #echo "domain $ipadomain\nsearch $ipadomain\nnameserver $dnssrv" > /etc/resolv.conf # Move chrony conf so IPA installer can configure its own mv /etc/chrony/chrony.conf /etc/chrony/chrony.conf.ipabk # Configure and enroll client ipa-client-install --mkhomedir --ntp-server=$ntpsrv # Configure SSSD # Do not specify services if using systemd as they will be socket activated $(pgrep -x systemd >/dev/null) && sed -i "/^services =/d" /etc/sssd/sssd.conf # Enable enumeration of domain if NFS server - for assigning permissions to shares [ $nfssrv -eq 1 ] && sed -i "s/\[domain\/$ipadomain\]/[domain\/$ipadomain]\nenumerate = True/" /etc/sssd/sssd.conf systemctl restart sssd # Configure automount dc1="$(echo $ipadomain | cut -d '.' -f 1)" dc2="$(echo $ipadomain | cut -d '.' -f 2)" echo "[ autofs ] master_map_name = /etc/auto.master timeout = 300 browse_mode = no ldap_uri = "ldap:///dc=$dc1,dc=$dc2" map_object_class = automountMap entry_object_class = automount map_attribute = automountMapName entry_attribute = automountKey value_attribute= automountInformation auth_conf_file = /etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf [ amd ] dismount_interval = 300" > /etc/autofs.conf echo " " > /etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf chmod 600 /etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf # Restart autofs to apply existing automount configuration systemctl restart autofs # Configure NFS sed -i "s/NEED_IDMAPD.*$/NEED_IDMAPD=yes/" /etc/default/nfs-common sed -i "s/NEED_GSSD.*$/NEED_GSSD=yes/" /etc/default/nfs-common [ $nfssrv -eq 1 ] && sed -i "s/NEED_SVCGSSD.*$/NEEDSVCGSSD=\"yes\"/" /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server && systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server # Manaul steps for NFS server ipasrv=$(grep "server =" /etc/ipa/default.conf | cut -d '=' -f 2 | tr -d ' ') [ $nfssrv -eq 1 ] && echo -e "\n\nNEXT\n\nUse kinit to obtain a kerberos ticket (e.g. kinit admin) and run the following commands\nipa service-add nfs/$(hostname)\nipa-getkeytab -s $ipasrv -p nfs/$(hostname) -k /etc/krb5.keytab from this machine"