#!/bin/sh # # Configures influxdb and configures icinga2 to write data to influxdb # Assumes that influxdb and icinga master are on the same host dbname="icinga2" admin="admin" adminpass="changeme" icingauser="icinga2" icingapass="changeme" rouser="readonly" ropass="changeme" # install packages apt install -y influxdb influxdb-client ssl-cert # configure influx mv /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf.orig # generate self-signed certificate make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil usermod -aG ssl-cert influxdb echo "reporting-enabled = false [meta] dir = \"/var/lib/influxdb/meta\" [data] dir = \"/var/lib/influxdb/data\" wal-dir = \"/var/lib/influxdb/wal\" [coordinator] [retention] [shard-precreation] [monitor] [http] enabled = true bind-address = \":8086\" auth-enabled = false https-enabled = true https-certificate = \"/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem\" https-private-key = \"/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key\" [ifql] [logging] [subscriber] [[graphite]] [[collectd]] [[opentsdb]] [[udp]] [continuous_queries] [tls] min-version = \"tls1.2\" " > /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf systemctl enable --now influxdb sleep 2 # create influx database and users # uses unsafeSsl because of self-signed cert influx -ssl -unsafeSsl -execute \ "create database $dbname; \ create user $admin with password '$adminpass'; \ create user $icingauser with password '$icingapass'; \ create user $rouser with password '$ropass'; \ grant all to $admin; \ grant write on $dbname to $icingauser; \ grant read on $dbname to $rouser;" # enable influxdb auth after creation of admin user sed -i "s/auth-enabled = false/auth-enabled = true/" /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf systemctl restart influxdb # enable and configure influx feature in icinga icinga2 feature enable influxdb echo "object InfluxdbWriter \"influxdb\" { host = \"\" port = 8086 username = \"$icingauser\" password = \"$icingapass\" ssl_enable = true database = \"$dbname\" flush_threshold = 1024 flush_interval = 10s host_template = { measurement = \"\$host.check_command$\" tags = { hostname = \"\$host.name$\" } } service_template = { measurement = \"\$service.check_command$\" tags = { hostname = \"\$host.name$\" service = \"\$service.name$\" } } } " > /etc/icinga2/features-available/influxdb.conf systemctl restart icinga2